the test.
More results can be directly referring to Raymond's blog. Here's a summary of the results of comparative performance of the popular free antivirus.
Existing data and graphs in this article was obtained from the tests carried out Raymond with Windows XP SP3. If you want to see the full results 106 antivirus products, please see the article Best Performing (Speed and Memory Usage) Antivirus and Internet Security for 2010.
Raymond testing using kriteris as follows:
Application Launch Time, by running the browser firefox 10 times, then calculated the average time required.
Boot-time Increase, Calculated on how long the additional boot time in windows with antivirus.
Idle Memory Usage, Memory Usage when in the idle (not used).Peak Memory Usage, use the maximum memory used.Installation Size, size of installation files.Detection, using a sample of the virus that in encryption to eliminate the detection.Full Scan Time, time scan of the computer (used sample data from 13:32 GB).
The following chart free antivirus comparison test of the data conducted by Raymond. Especially for the Test of detection, only Sypware Terminator who is able to block virus sample used.
Launch Application Time
Boot Time Increase
Idle Memory Usage
Peak Memory Usage
Installation Size
Full Scan Time
Seeing the test results above, which is rather difficult to conclude a free antivirus with best performance. Since no one antivirus that excel in all criteria used for or superior in the majority of the test. Actually Avast 5 has a pretty good result, and compared to the previous 8.4 avast, not so incriminating computer. But for a full scan, looks much longer than others.
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